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Transform Physically, Nutritionally & Mentally

Designed to provide you with a flexible structure to your plate for your particular goal. That way you know how to put together an easy and delicious meal that will help you reach your goals and feel amazing! You can use this formula to customize your dishes based on what you have in the fridge, what they have at that party or what you’re craving!

T42 Body Challenge

Learn my SIMPLE, EASY TO FOLLOW meal formula, which is designed to provide you with a flexible structure to your plate for your particular goal. That way you know how to put together an easy and delicious meal that will help you reach your goals and feel amazing! You can use this formula to customize your dishes based on what you have in the fridge, what they have at that party or what you’re craving! 

DURATION: 6 weeks

TYPE: Face-to-face or online



T42 Body Challenge Kicking off 19th June

what's inside

t42 body challenge

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